Hotelkeycard - Veiligheid

Keycard Options provides a complete line of keycards to give acces to rooms and other areas for guests and staff. The options are practically limitless. There are multiple options you can choose from to seperate your design from others.


We can equipe your keycards with contactless chips and/or magnetic stripes. We use different technologies like Mifare Classic, Mifare Desfire, EM4102, TK4100 / EM4200, HITAG 1 / HITAG 2 and Atmel T5567. Other kinds of chips are available on inquiry. If you would like the best of both worlds you could choose a combination (hybride) card which contains both a magnetic stripe and contactless chip. For more information about the different techniques we would like to refer you to our website:


Keycards can boost your brand awareness if you decide to create your own lay-out. Many hotels, holiday resorts and hostels have traveled this path before you and every single keycard design shows a unique representation of the establishment. You could use a specific color with your logo, an inspiring message for your guests or a picture. Some hotel owners decide they want to use their keycards for practical information as well. For example by adding the breakfast and dinner times, how to use the hotel keycard or information about the surroundings.

Design Keycard

Even if you do not have a specific design in mind we can be of service. If you provide us with a picture, logo or desired colors we can design your card for you. We are experienced in designing professional lay-outs so you can have a unique keycard without having to put up with designing one yourself. Not only will we print and design your keycard, we can also insert a signature field to enable your guests acces to extras that require registration. There is a possibility for designs with punched holes so they can be kept on keychains for even more comfort.